Monday, January 30, 2012

When I was born | Quando eu nasci

Quando eu nasci
Isabel Minhós Martins | Madalena Matoso

An adventure that takes us up to our earlier findings. We travel in the world  through the discovery of our senses and of our body: breathing, people and objects around us, colors, smells, tastes and textures.
A good book to remind us the importance of small things and of the great discoveries. To remind us how much we have already discovered and the immensity of the world and things that are unexplored.
Uma aventura que nos transporta até às nossas primeiras descobertas. Vamos percorrendo o nosso mundo através da descoberta dos sentidos e do nosso corpo: a respiração, as coisas e as pessoas que nos rodeiam, as cores, os cheiros, os paladares e as texturas.
Um bom livro para nos recordar a importância das pequenas coisas e das grandes descobertas. Para nos recordar o quanto já descobrimos e a imensidão de mundo e coisas que há por explorar.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Indian fabrics and knitted necklaces | Tecidos indianos e colares em tricot

Indian fabrics and knitted necklaces

Some beautiful indian fabric we brought from Goa and our new knitted necklaces.
Can't wait to sew a new collection of Monsters and some totes with indian taste!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fabric necklace | Colar em tecido

Fabric necklace
Fabric necklace a fun way to make handmade gifts with different kind of fabrics. Orange, green and pink, with squares, bubles and plain this one was made for our daughter.

Monday, January 16, 2012

#53 Tim heart made doll from Mamima collection

The #53 doll from our collection is ready to spread HUGS around the world. He and his friends love to surf, the sun and a realy nice day at the beach. He is ready to share a world of happiness and joy with little kids.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Delightfully entertaining | Deliciosamente divertido

Lágrimas de Crocodilo
André François
A fun and original book with a unique sense of humor wich takes us on a round-trip to Egypt to explain the meaning of the expression that gives the book its title. It was originally released in 1956 earning the New York Times Best Illustrated Book. It is a must read of children's literature for the quality of his illustrations and his narrative genius.
Um livro muito divertido e original que com um sentido de humor único nos conduz numa viagem de ida-e-volta até ao Egipto para explicar o significado da expressão que dá título ao livro. Foi editado originalmente em 1956 ganhando logo o New York Times Best Illustrated Book. É um marco da leitura infantil pela qualidade das suas ilustrações e pela genialidade da sua narrativa.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

#54 Rodolfo heart made doll from Mamima collection

#54 Rodolfo heart made doll from Mamima collection by mamima project
#54 Rodolfo heart made doll from Mamima collection, a photo by mamima project on Flickr.
Back to the work and to our hobby making dolls and another fabrics items after a good Christmas hollydays.
Our last collection was inspired in the beauty of Goan beaches.
Regressamos ao trabalho e ao nosso hobby, fazendo bonecos e outros artigos em tecido, depois de umas boas férias de Natal.
A nossa última colecção de bonecos foi inspirada nas belas praias de Goa.

Goan beaches